Let's make smthng beautiful!
Navigation Bars

Navigation bars (Nav Bars) are the most prominient features of a webpage. They not only make websites userfriendly but also classy.
Making them can never be so easy with this framework. For a Nav Bar docked to the top just make a nav.nav.nav-top with div.left, div.center and div.right nested in it, with p nested in each of them.

Similarly, to make a Nav Bar docked to left, make a nav.nav.nav-left with some div.section in it and p nested in each. To toggle this Left Nav, just make a Javascript function call to toggleLeftNav().

And that's it!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetur adipiscing elit Curabitur sit amet
ullamcorper lectus. Nunc congue quam
at diam porttitor, vitae laoreet nulla aliquet
A table with alternate rows highlighted. Just use the class .table.highlight-alternate
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetur adipiscing elit Curabitur sit amet
ullamcorper lectus. Nunc congue quam
at diam porttitor, vitae laoreet nulla aliquet
A table with rows highlighted when hoverd with smooth animation. Just use the class .table.interactive
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetur adipiscing elit Curabitur sit amet
ullamcorper lectus. Nunc congue quam
at diam porttitor, vitae laoreet nulla aliquet
A table with rows highlighted when hoverd with smooth animation, plus, alternate rows already highlighted. Yes, it's possible to mix them up! Just use the class .table.interactive.highlight-alternate
Cards - Normal Card
A card: Header
A card: Matter
A normal card has a header, a footer and a body, and it is open to any of your modifications. Just use div.card with heder as div.header and similarly for the body and footer.
See it's sample implementation below.

Login Form

It is an implementation of a normal card with edits to fit for our use.
Cards - Number Card


A number card can be used to emphasize some number, be it some stats or your birthday(can also be used like that!), it gives a good representation of that number. This is a sample of a date. Just use div.card.card-number with div.number and div.matter for respective sections.
Employees required!
It is an implementation of a number card to show that it can be used for varoius pusposes.
Cards - Picture Card

Captions ...

A picture card can be used to display images or pictures with captions toggling when mouse hovered. Just use div.card.card-picture with div.picture (don't forget to include a background image!) and div.caption (use <p> element to wrap the caption) in it.
Try to hover or tap the image.
Dialog Box

Dialog boxes are very easy, convinient and 'famous' way to prompt or inform the user about something. This thing was absent on the web, but yes, it's now possibile to get it there. Just use div.d-box in which, a span.toogle for the name of the button, div.content which includes all other items. It includes div.box which inturn includes a div.header, div.matter, and div.footer. div.footer may include a special button.close to close the modal/dialog box. And, not to forget that every text in div.header, div.matter, div.footer shall be included in a <p> element.

Try to open this modal / dialog box.

Open a dialog box.

What's a dialog box?

The graphical control element dialog box (also called dialogue box or just dialog) is a small window that communicates information to the user and prompts them for a response.

Dialog boxes are classified as "modal" or "modeless", depending on whether they block interaction with the software that initiated the dialog. The type of dialog box displayed is dependent upon the desired user interaction. [Wikipedia]

Beautiful Slideshow. Beautiful Waterfalls ...

Himalayas !!

Bamboo Forests of Japan

Rare Double Rainbow :D

A rabbit



Submerge Effect Blur Effect Dilate Effect

Making a picture (or maybe anything) slideshow has never been easier.
Make a div.picture-slideshow with desired tansition effects using .effect-submerge, .effect-blur or .effect-dilate as per choice. Then, add div.picture for images with background image using CSS, for a simple caption just add a p inside the div.picture. Finally, for scrolling purposes, add two div's -- div.goleft and div.goright and finally nest a p inside them for desired icons.
To make slideshow progerss automatically, just add an attribute to the slideshow data-autoscroll="true".

And, that's it. All else will be done backstage!
Loading Icons

Loading Icons can be used to show up when the webpage is loading, it gives user an impression of better and stylish web build plus a reliable website. It also gives info. the webpage is loading and should not be disturbed now for the best experience.

Codes for loading animation is pretty complicated but highly shortened.

Just use div.loading.loading-square-circle

Just use div.loading.loading-flappy-square with a div in it.

Just use div.loading.loading-two-circles with two non-nested div in it.

Finally, to use them as a loading animation, just use div.loading-page and nest the animation in it. Rest all is handled automatically.


Tabination or simply tab is a very important tool for navigation. I can be made with ease with this framework.

Take an example -> Did you liked this framework? Explore the different tabs and the smooth animation.

Love it!
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Needs Improvement
Not Good
Thanks A Lot !!!
Thanks A Lot !!! But, I'll improve!
Please tell me why only 'okay'??? :(
I'll do my best to improve.
I'm sorry!

Just use div.tabination with two childs - div.tabs and div.information. div.tabs contain various div.item with attribute data-tabtarget and a value corresponding to the id of the div.info present in div.information.

Progress Bars
Normal Progress

Striped Progress

Animatable Progress

Striped Animated Progress
Progress Bars can be made using a div.progress-bar and a div.progress, div.progress.progress-striped, div.progerss.progress-animated or their combinations to make any desired progress bar. An attribute data-value=i where (-1 < i < 101) can be added to the div.progress.
Masked Scrolling

This beautiful scrolling effect is known as masked scroll, keeping the background image/pattern fixed with respect to the viewport.

Making it is very easy. Just use div.masked-page with an attribute data-maskedbkground of your desired value (the link of image, directly). Then there are two options, have a full page slide or a centerd slide, they can be made by using div.slide-full and div.slide respectively within the div.masked-page.

To see how to make a page like this, check out it's source code.